can use wildcard?
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in Sources annotation, can i use wildcard? eg: @sources({"classpath:*.properties"}), so, it's become easy!!!!!! thank you!
@jerryliu306 At the moment it is not possible and I have no plans for this feature. It also involves a lot of aspects you need to think before implementing this. For example, what if same property is declared in several files? Who wins? What about hot reloading? Adding or removing files what behavior should have? Also it can expose to security issues. Definitely not a priority for me.
@lviggiano Thanks! That before, I used TypeSafe library and have itself load strategy, it has support wildcard. For example, If i have 50 properties files, Can i should define 50 config interface or input 50 properties file name as params for Sources annotation? Obviously, it's not conveniently.
@jerryliu306 Awesome, glad you solved.