Expanded property keys are not reported by Accessible methods
Opened this issue · 1 comments
ysmartin commented
If I try to use the expansion method
E.g. if I define
public interface MyProjectConfig extends Config, Accessible {
String configPrefix();
@Key("${myproject.prefix}" + ".debug")
boolean debug();
And elsewhere I try to load the config and use the Accessible methods
config = ConfigCache.getOrCreate(MyProjectConfig.class);
// Log all the properties using Accessible.store
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
config.store(new PrintStream(out), "--- loaded properties ---");
// Again, using Accessible.list
out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
config.list(new PrintStream(out));
// Now get property names
log.info("Property names:" + config.propertyNames());
They I get duplicate properties, ones with the values loaded from the external files and other with the default values, but without any expansion applied to the keys:
Nonetheless, when using the config interface methods, it returns the appropriate values:
log.info("Debug mode: " + config.debug());
2018-05-15 18:11:18,251 INFO [...] Debug mode: true
lviggiano commented
The expansion is resolved at run time, when you call the method. This is why you don't see it in properties lists.
I think it's not a wrong behavior: it dumps its internal structure, and to me it looks consistent as behavior.