
Bug: Property values that contain the '%' character throw exceptions

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have a standard properties file. One of the property values is '!@#$%^&*()" The PropertiesInvocationHandler::format method throws an exception when it tries to process this value. The PropertiesInvocationHandler::format method calls String.format(...) but assumes the property value is a format String.

In my environment, I changed the PropertiesInvocationHandler::format method to this:

private String format(Method method, String format, Object... args) {
    if (isFeatureDisabled(method, PARAMETER_FORMATTING))

    // If there are no arguments to format, we can just return.
    // This is also helpful when the {@code format} is a property value
    // such as '@#$%^&*()" (e.g., a decrypted password) -- the '%' sign
    // does not really indicate a placeholder in the format string.
    if ( args == null || args.length == 0 )
        return format;

    try {
        // Do this to achieve property expansion
        return String.format(format, args);
    catch ( Exception e ) {
        // There's no guarantee that a property value from a config file
        // is a legal format string. When formatting doesn't work, let's
        // just return the original property value.
        return format;


To the ConfigTest, I added (around line 47):

    String password();

and, at the end of ConfigTest,

 * When a property value contains a '%' character but is not a String format,
 * we expect the property value to be returned as-is. Under the covers, the String.format
 * method is used for property expansion. We want to verify a property value that
 * contains a '%' character but is _not_ a format String is, indeed, supported.
public void whenPropertyValueIsNotValidFormatString_thenPropertyValueShouldRemainIntact() {
    SampleConfig config = ConfigFactory.create(SampleConfig.class);

    assertEquals ("@#$%^&*()", config.password());


Please add @DisableFeature({PARAMETER_FORMATTING}) as explained here.

You are right: the parameter formatting is not a good feature and should be dropped, or at least be disabled by default since it generates more issues than benefits.

This was a "feature" which was very easy to implement and is inspired from GWT i18n, but I shouldn't have implemented that...

Sorry for the issue and the late reply.
I was off for long time, and I started coding since few months again. Hope this will give back life to the project.