[Question] Owner configuration library whether support the config file that similar to JSon format?
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Thanks for your hard work for providing this excellent configuration library, I am very enjoying using the library in my Java projects.
Now I have a question about the library that whether support the configuration file format similar JSon, which supported by TypeSafe Config.
As QA development engineer, in my current projects, I am have huge config file that format similar to JSon (maybe it is the JSon format exactly?), for example:
site {
url {
uat: http://xxxxxx1
dev: http://xxxxx2
credential {
account: name
password: pwd
in the code get the UAT url from the config file
, such like: getString("site.url.uat")
, get account of credential from the config file
, such like: getString("credential.account")
so for Owner configuration library, is support this formated config file now?
You have to implement Loader interface. Also you can try to use my implementation, maybe it will do. https://github.com/savkk/owner-json-ext
Library from typesafe Config supports the config format by dot
I am planning to reimplement a new version of owner to support yaml and json.
At the moment, only basic support can be added using existing APIs.
I have no plan on when the new "owner" (it may have a new name) will be released (nor started).
The good news is that I am back to coding, after loooong time off.
Thanks for your patience guys!
Actually, I am not dedicating time to this project. I know I should, since I like it and I used myself in the last project at my current job.
I cannot guarantee, since my life is quite changed since I had health problems, and my free time is dedicated to many things (including, recently, staying safe from pandemic coronavirus in Italy). So please be understanding.