
Storybook: fetch react-intl messages from API example.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Storybook: fetch react-intl messages from API

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This example React project shows how to fetch i18n messages - to be used in storybook with storybook-addon-intl or just plain react-intl - from a json REST API.

How to run this

Run: npm i && npm run storybook, then select the Button > with FormattedMessage story and use the LOCALES bar to switch the active locale; the text of the button should be correctly translated.

This example setup also works perfectly when building storybook with npm run build-storybook: after building you can test it all works correctly by running npm run serve-storybook.


This app was bootstrapped with Create React App, you can find the most recent version of the Create React App guide here) and the following packages were integrated:

  • storybook - Interactive development & testing environment for React, React-Native, Vue UI components. Installed in one minute using the official CLI tool.
  • storybook-addon-intl - Addon to provide a locale switcher and react-intl for storybook.
  • react-intl - Internationalize React apps. This library provides React components and an API to format dates, numbers, and strings, including pluralization and handling translations. This one is installed automatically if you use storybook-addon-intl.

Configuring the environment and fetching the messages

  • Look up ./scripts/fetch-messages.js to see how isomorphic-fetch is used to fetch the json of the messages. See the comments there showing how to quickly replace/remove the sample data and insert your real API url. For simplicity's sake, we assume you can call an API endpoint that returns messages for all locales at once.

  • Look up .storybook/config.js too see how storybook-addon-intl and the locale data is configured, the comments there show you where to set your supported locales and load the required localisation data.

Fetching the messages before storybook is run

This is how we accomplish it in this example:

  • the user runs: npm run storybook
  • npm runs the task: prestorybook
  • the prestorybook tasks runs the task: fetch-messages
  • the fetch-messages task fetches the messages from API and saves them to the static folder.
  • the storybook task is run.
  • storybook loads the configuration files: .storybook/addons.js and .storybook/config.js.
  • storybook starts its development server ... all done.