
image id of the COCO Benchmarks

AbrarZShahriar opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there anyway to get the image id of the instances in the COCO Occlusion+Crowding and Size Benchmark jsons?

Thanks for your question!

If you go to the coco-analyze project page on my website, you can download the json files containing the annotation ids for all instances in each of the benchmarks described in the paper.

Occlusion and crowding benchmarks:

import json
with open('./coco_train2014_occlusion_crowding_benchmarks.json','r') as fp: 
    occl_benchmarks = json.load(fp)

# this will print the criteria for defining each benchmark and the number of instances it contains
# n_v: number of visible keypoints
# n_o: number of overlaps with IoU > 0.1
# n_i: number of instances in that benchmark
for bi in occl_benchmarks: 
    print("n_v: {}, n_o:{}, n_i:{}".format(bi['num_visible_keypoints'], bi['num_overlaps'], len(bi['gtIds']))

Size benchmarks:

import json
with open('./coco_train2014_size_benchmarks.json','r') as fp: 
    size_benchmarks = json.load(fp)

# this will print the criteria for defining each benchmark and the number of instances it contains
# a_l: area range label
# a_s: area range size in pixels
# n_i: number of instances in that benchmark
for bi in size_benchmarks: 
    print("a_l: {}, a_s:{}, n_i:{}".format(bi['areaRngLbl'], bi['areaRng'], len(bi['gtIds'])))

Now that you have the id for each ground truth annotation you can recover the image id using the standard coco api:

# ... load the coco annotations ...
b_i = 0 # choose the benchmark index you want, for occlusion b_i is 0 to 11 for size b_i is 0 to 3
anns = coco_kps.loadAnns(size_benchmarks[b_i]['gtIds'])
image_ids = [a['image_id'] for a in anns]

Note that some images will contain instances from multiple benchmarks, i.e. on one side of the image there is a person completely visible and with no overlapping people, while on the other side of the image there is a group of 3 people overlapping and with some keypoints not visible.

Hope this is clear, so I'm closing the issue, but feel free to reopen or comment.

Only caveat is that these are for the COCO 2014 training set. If you want the benchmarks for the latest COCO training set release (done in 2017), you can simply apply the same principle to divide annotations into the different benchmarks they belong to. I might do this in the next week and add it to this repo if you find it useful.

That would be great, thanks.