mount directory disapears
cvinhaes opened this issue · 0 comments
Onde I run megafuse the mountpoint directory disappears and this is what I get:
root@omv:/opt/MegaFuse# ./MegaFuse -c megafuse.conf
ss megafuse.conf
caricata la variabile USERNAME con il valore
caricata la variabile PASSWORD con il valore passuord
caricata la variabile APPKEY con il valore 7dYjmQRa
caricata la variabile MOUNTPOINT con il valore /srv/dev-disk-by-id-ata-Hitachi_HUA723020ALA641_YFG6TY6A-part2/mega/
caricata la variabile CACHEPATH con il valore /srv/dev-disk-by-id-ata-Hitachi_HUA723020ALA641_YFG6TY6A-part2/mcache/
MegaFushe::MegaFuse. Constructor finished.
40 files and 1 folder added or updated
1 user received or updated
[01:27:23] MegaFuse is ready
Once I break the execution I receive the messages below and the directory re-appears:
End of event_loop
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
what(): Resource deadlock avoided