
Using in Production

Closed this issue · 2 comments

First of all, thanks for the bundle !

I am having a hard time understanding how / whether I should use this bundle in production.
In the readme, you only enable the bundle in test / dev env but you also put a reference in the config_prod.yml file, thus generating an error.
It makes sense not to enable it in production as it seems an unecessary work to watch these files.

I deploy manually onto the production server.
I have configured the css to be generated in the Resources/public/css so it gets installed through the asset:install command.

Nonetheless, the generated css is stored in bundles/acmebundle/css/style.css whereas the link looks for it in /css/style.css.

Here is how I call the css in my base.html.twig file.

{% stylesheets 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}"/>

Well, I am sorry. I think I got confused with this new stuff,
Please disregard my issue as it is fixed by a cache clear...