
Issue with sha256 circuit benchmark

Closed this issue · 8 comments

vivijj commented

Hello zkSync Team,

I am currently conducting research using the era-boojum proof system and have encountered an issue during the execution of the SHA-256 benchmark, the program appears to stall at the CSReferenceAssembly::wait_for_witness() function, both run_sha256_prover_non_recursive and run_sha256_prover_recursive_mode_poseidon2.

arose0 commented

Hey @vivijj - can you share what steps you took here so that we can investigate?

vivijj commented

sure, I ran the following script on a Mac Pro M1 with 16GB of RAM:
RUSTFLAGS='-C target-cpu=native' cargo +nightly test --release -- --nocapture run_sha256_prover_non_recursive --ignored
By default, the test preimage size is set to 8KB, which causes the proving process to get stuck. I have tried changing the preimage size to 4KB and 2KB, and only when it is set to 2KB does the process not get stuck.

I have the same problem

There is/was a bug in the new witness resolver, and it's fixed in the internal repo, I'll ask to merge it here too. Depending on your machine configuration 1-2-4 kB tests just work (I have 4kB working on M1). It's actually funny because it looks to happen in this test only and doesn't happen in the Era circuits

Hi,when this issue can be solved, when the internal repo can be published?

I believe it was updated

vivijj commented

Seems alright. By the way, when do you plan to open source your GPU prover for Boojum? @shamatar

arose0 commented

Closing this issue as resolved.

@vivijj we will be opening this repo very soon - I don't think we have an exact date but it is on the list of priorities.