hardhat-zksync-upgradeable dependency issue with @openzeppelin/upgrades-core
statskiy-sovetnik opened this issue · 5 comments
Running yarn hardhat verify <myAddress> --network zcSyncTestnet
results in the following error (it seems like the upgrades-core package doesn't have the ast-dereferencer module now):
The plugins seem to be imported in correct order in my hardhat.config.ts; hardhat-zksync-verify plugin is installed with version 0.1.8
Manually installing the previous version @openzeppelin/upgrades-core worked for me
Manually installing the previous version @openzeppelin/upgrades-core worked for me
Which previous version of @openzeppelin/upgrades-core
did you install to make it work?
Manually installing the previous version @openzeppelin/upgrades-core worked for me
Which previous version of
did you install to make it work?
Hi @statskiy-sovetnik @anhlh-edsolabs, this issue was caused by hardhat-zksync-upgradable plugin not yet supporting ethers v6 upgrade, while the latest openzeppelin packages have new major versions that include this change.
We are actively working on this ethers upgrade, but in the meantime we released a new version of our upgradable plugin - 0.1.3 - that fixes this dependency issue.
Thanks for pointing it out!
Ok thanks!