
Special characters are not considered in title: !#$&'()*+,-./:;=?@_~

Opened this issue · 4 comments

for example:Modify the usage in the example
                context: context,
                onMapTap: (map) {
                    coords: Coords(latitude, longitude),
                    title: "testTitle&lon=1.0",
                    zoom: zoom,

will overwrite the real lon field
Of course, this problem only occurs on maps that use the title field, such as Amap
The problem is with Uri.encodeFull(url) in map_launcher.dart file,encodeFull will not escape these characters, you can use encodeComponent to encode these fields, and then concatenate them into url, then you can no longer encode the url.

Hope google translate can make you understand what I mean,Thank you for your open source contributions

Cool yeah that makes sense. I'll see what I can do about it :)

We have a similar problem. We tried to open a marker like this using google maps.

                        coords: Coords(

yeah that will def mess up the generated url. I'll have to update the url generator

any update?