
Multi Factor Authentication

Opened this issue · 13 comments

Server 5.6.0.

Attempting to run golang after configuring google MFA. Startup fails. Any thoughts,


Sorry for the delay @eyebank.

@crspeller Do you know if Client4.Login() work if MFA is enabled?

You need to use Client4.LoginWithMFA() if MFA is enabled.

@eyebank Would you be open to submitting a PR to fix this?

where can I find this Client4.LoginWithMFA()?

@crspeller Looking at the link you provided. Where would I put the following code for the golang bot to be able to work using mfa?


// LoginWithMFA logs a user in with a MFA token
func (c *Client4) LoginWithMFA(loginId, password, mfaToken string) (*User, *Response) {
	m := make(map[string]string)
	m["login_id"] = loginId
	m["password"] = password
	m["token"] = mfaToken
	return c.login(m)

func (c *Client4) login(m map[string]string) (*User, *Response) {
	r, err := c.DoApiPost("/users/login", MapToJson(m))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, BuildErrorResponse(r, err)
	defer closeBody(r)
	c.AuthToken = r.Header.Get(HEADER_TOKEN)
	return UserFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r)

@crspeller Thank you! I've replaced my current login function with the one above. When I attempt to run my golang bot I get the errors
undefined: Client 4
undefined: User
undefined: Response
Makefille:15: recipe for target 'run' failed
make: *** [run] Error 2

What am I missing?

Thank you again for all your help!

@EbsrVlee Would you be open on sharing the code you currently have?


Sure. (I have removed username/password/email from for obvious reasons)

package main

import (


const (
	SAMPLE_NAME = "**ChatBot**"

	USER_EMAIL    = ""
	USER_PASSWORD = "password"
	USER_NAME     = "Chatbot"
	USER_FIRST    = "Chatbot"
	USER_LAST     = "Chatbot"

	TEAM_NAME        = "aibot"

var client *model.Client4
var webSocketClient *model.WebSocketClient

var botUser *model.User
var botTeam *model.Team
var debuggingChannel *model.Channel

// Documentation for the Go driver can be found
// at
func main() {


	client = model.NewAPIv4Client("http://localhost:8065")

	// Lets test to see if the mattermost server is up and running

	// lets attempt to login to the Mattermost server as the bot user
	// This will set the token required for all future calls
	// You can get this token with client.AuthToken

	// If the bot user doesn't have the correct information lets update his profile

	// Lets find our bot team

	// This is an important step.  Lets make sure we use the botTeam
	// for all future web service requests that require a team.

	// Lets create a bot channel for logging debug messages into
	SendMsgToDebuggingChannel("_"+SAMPLE_NAME+" has **started** running_", "")

	// Lets start listening to some channels via the websocket!
	webSocketClient, err := model.NewWebSocketClient4("ws://localhost:8065", client.AuthToken)
	if err != nil {
		println("We failed to connect to the web socket")


	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case resp := <-webSocketClient.EventChannel:

	// You can block forever with
	select {}

func MakeSureServerIsRunning() {
	if props, resp := client.GetOldClientConfig(""); resp.Error != nil {
		println("There was a problem pinging the Mattermost server.  Are you sure it's running?")
	} else {
		println("Server detected and is running version " + props["Version"])

// LoginWithMFA logs a user in with a MFA token
func (c *Client4) LoginWithMFA(loginId, password, mfaToken string) (*User, *Response) {
	m := make(map[string]string)
	m["login_id"] = Chatbot
	m["password"] = password
	m["token"] = 123456
	return c.login(m)

func (c *Client4) login(m map[string]string) (*User, *Response) {
	r, err := c.DoApiPost("/users/login", MapToJson(m))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, BuildErrorResponse(r, err)
	defer closeBody(r)
	c.AuthToken = r.Header.Get(HEADER_TOKEN)
	return UserFromJson(r.Body), BuildResponse(r)

//func LoginAsTheBotUser() {
//	if user, resp := client.Login(USER_EMAIL, USER_PASSWORD); resp.Error != nil {
//		println("There was a problem logging into the Mattermost server.  Are you sure ran the setup steps from the")
//		PrintError(resp.Error)
//		os.Exit(1)
//	} else {
//		botUser = user
//	}

func UpdateTheBotUserIfNeeded() {
	if botUser.FirstName != USER_FIRST || botUser.LastName != USER_LAST || botUser.Username != USER_NAME {
		botUser.FirstName = USER_FIRST
		botUser.LastName = USER_LAST
		botUser.Username = USER_NAME

		if user, resp := client.UpdateUser(botUser); resp.Error != nil {
			println("We failed to update the Sample Bot user")
		} else {
			botUser = user
			println("Looks like this might be the first run so we've updated the bots account settings")

func FindBotTeam() {
	if team, resp := client.GetTeamByName(TEAM_NAME, ""); resp.Error != nil {
		println("We failed to get the initial load")
		println("or we do not appear to be a member of the team '" + TEAM_NAME + "'")
	} else {
		botTeam = team

func CreateBotDebuggingChannelIfNeeded() {
	if rchannel, resp := client.GetChannelByName(CHANNEL_LOG_NAME, botTeam.Id, ""); resp.Error != nil {
		println("We failed to get the channels")
	} else {
		debuggingChannel = rchannel

	// Looks like we need to create the logging channel
	channel := &model.Channel{}
	channel.Name = CHANNEL_LOG_NAME
	channel.DisplayName = "Town"
	channel.Purpose = "This is used as a test channel for logging bot debug messages"
	channel.Type = model.CHANNEL_OPEN
	channel.TeamId = botTeam.Id
	if rchannel, resp := client.CreateChannel(channel); resp.Error != nil {
		println("We failed to create the channel " + CHANNEL_LOG_NAME)
	} else {
		debuggingChannel = rchannel
		println("Looks like this might be the first run so we've created the channel " + CHANNEL_LOG_NAME)

func SendMsgToDebuggingChannel(msg string, replyToId string) {
	post := &model.Post{}
	post.ChannelId = debuggingChannel.Id
	post.Message = msg

	post.RootId = replyToId

	if _, resp := client.CreatePost(post); resp.Error != nil {
		println("We failed to send a message to the logging channel")

func HandleWebSocketResponse(event *model.WebSocketEvent) {

func HandleMsgFromDebuggingChannel(event *model.WebSocketEvent) {
	// If this isn't the debugging channel then lets ingore it
	if event.Broadcast.ChannelId != debuggingChannel.Id {

	// Lets only reponded to messaged posted events
	if event.Event != model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POSTED {

	println("responding to debugging channel msg")

	post := model.PostFromJson(strings.NewReader(event.Data["post"].(string)))
	if post != nil {

		// ignore my events
		if post.UserId == botUser.Id {

		// if you see any word matching 'alive' then respond
		if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(?:^|\W)alive(?:$|\W)`, post.Message); matched {
			SendMsgToDebuggingChannel("Yes I'm running", post.Id)

		// if you see any word matching 'up' then respond
		if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(?:^|\W)up(?:$|\W)`, post.Message); matched {
			SendMsgToDebuggingChannel("Yes I'm running", post.Id)
// if you see any word matching 'running' then respond
		if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(?:^|\W)running(?:$|\W)`, post.Message); matched {
			SendMsgToDebuggingChannel("Yes I'm running", post.Id)

		// if you see any word matching 'hello' then respond
		if matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(`(?:^|\W)hello(?:$|\W)`, post.Message); matched {
			SendMsgToDebuggingChannel("Hi! How are you? :smile:", post.Id)

	SendMsgToDebuggingChannel("I did not understand you! Please try the help command.", post.Id)

func PrintError(err *model.AppError) {
	println("\tError Details:")
	println("\t\t" + err.Message)
	println("\t\t" + err.Id)
	println("\t\t" + err.DetailedError)

func SetupGracefulShutdown() {
	c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
	go func() {
		for _ = range c {
			if webSocketClient != nil {

			SendMsgToDebuggingChannel("_"+SAMPLE_NAME+" has **stopped** running_", "")

Hey @EbsrVlee,

You have to explicitly select the packages you want to use. E.g. if you want to use the struct User from, you have to select it via model.User.

Hi @hanzei , thank you for the advice. I'm fairly new to golang. Could you give me an example of how to select it from model.user?

Thank you again.

I would advice to read and play through "A Tour of Go" first. This is a tutorial made by the Go team targeting new gophers.