
Response doesn't have WWW-AUTHENTICATE header!

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Getting the following errors when trying to run with Skype for Business Server:

{"level":"debug","ts":1587102486.5159667,"caller":"mlog/log.go:162","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated","path":"/plugins/skype4business/api/v1/create_meeting_in_server_version","ip":"","session_id":"..........","user_id":"..........."}
{"level":"info","ts":1587102491.4761477,"caller":"go-plugin@v1.0.1/stream.go:15","msg":"{\"level\":\"warn\",\"msg\":\"Resource from applications url is not the same as resource name from user url\"}","plugin_id":"skype4business","source":"plugin_stdout"}
{"level":"info","ts":1587102491.4866028,"caller":"go-plugin@v1.0.1/stream.go:15","msg":"{\"level\":\"error\",\"msg\":\"Error fetching meetings resource url: Error performing request to get authentication header from new resource: Response doesn't have WWW-AUTHENTICATE header!\"}","plugin_id":"skype4business","source":"plugin_stdout"}

@hanzei @kosgrz @mickmister any ideas where to start on troubleshooting this?

Hi @bbodenmiller,

Looking at your output:

CSRF issue - It is purely a warning unless you have ServiceSettings.ExperimentalStrictCSRFEnforcement enabled in your config. Here's a ticket to properly solve this #51

For the other two lines of output, I'm not reaching any conclusions reading the code that generates these outputs, so I will need to defer to @kosgrz.

Hi @bbodenmiller,
I'm not sure what is the reason of this issue. Could you create an account on and PM me? My nickname is the same there (kosgrz). I would like to test some solutions with you :)

@kosgrz finally messaged you back after trying test build. Still no luck.