
TypeScript type definitions and TypeScript support

naftalimurgor opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm working on migrating a portion of the Mattermost-webapp to TypeScript, in this issue: mattermost/mattermost#17289 I ran into a challenge where the component dynamic-virtualized-list lacks Type definitions as it is written in Flow and JavaScript.

Options to accomplish TypeScript support would be:

  1. To migrate the component to TypeScript or
  2. Write type definitions and publish to Definitely type so that they are availabe on npm and installable like: npm install -D @types/dynamic-virtualized-list
    So I went ahead and wrote some Type definitions for this component here
    am left with deploying to Definitely Typed.
    Please let me know how best to approach this. I also need some help deploying to Definitely Typed if deemed possible. Thanks

Hey @naftalimurgor, really nice work on this!

I'd definitely be on board with using the type definitions you've created here, though I understand it will take some time to deploy to DefinitelyTyped, as much as that would be the ideal case.

I think what might be best for now is to add these types directly to the mattermost-webapp repository under types/external and leave a comment to migrate over to DefinitelyTyped once they're merged.

Let me know if this makes sense to you.

hey @devinbinnie
Adding the types to mattermost-webapp under types/external path makes perfect sense to use in the meantime.
I appreciate your feedback.
Thank you.