
Search fugu.yml/.fugu.yml from home directory

ernoaapa opened this issue · 2 comments

Would be really handy if by default fugu would search yaml file from my home directory. That way I could set "global" environment variables what I want to be set for each Docker container in my home directory.


Little background here. I want to set environment variables to all of my containers what I run. I were planning to replace 'docker' command with 'fugu' and use Fugu to set environment variables from fugu.yml file what is stored in my home directory.
Sadly I couldn't replace docker command with fugu because Fugu requires that I define image in my yaml file.
So to be able to use fugu in my use case, it should not require the image, allow it give as argument as I do with docker ("docker run company/my_image /bin/bash").

So ended up to create simple docker wrapper shell script which do that. But would be cool to use Fugu for this, but now I have to go without it.