
[y so slow] Preloader or lazyload for projects listings

Opened this issue · 3 comments

(K I think this is because he had Bittorrent open but still relevant!) I'm at home on my husband's computer and its the first time he's loaded the site and it's soooooo incredibly slow. It's been like a minute and not all the images have loaded. Solutions we discussed:

  1. grab the first img of gifs and load gifs on hover
  2. using a ajax-y loader animation while everything loads on project listing
  3. we didn't discuss this but: lazy load? -->

AND, it seems like the hero graphics + maps don't load until masonry does, which is pretty problematic.

One other super quick and not nice thing to do, but something which could be implemented quickly so that we can at least get better page load times while we work on something else, is to use the thumbnails that wordpress generates when you upload an image. It looks like for each upload, WP generates 2 different sizes, and one of them is 300px wide. The masonry tiles display at 268px so that could work. Looks like 'size' => 'thumbnail' could be the trick if the types_render_field() call for the image

6a03567 addresses this with immediate layout, which is a huge improvement! Iimages still take forever to load so we should still do some thumbnail resizing