
Examples are not added to generic types for Swagger v2

ouvreboite opened this issue · 1 comments

Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filter 7.0.2

When adding an example with an IExamplesProvider for a generic type, the example does no appear in the generated Swagger v2.

public class BoostingRequestExample : IExamplesProvider<ValueResourceInput<BoostingConfigurationRequest>>
    public ValueResourceInput<BoostingConfigurationRequest> GetExamples()
        return new ValueResourceInput<BoostingConfigurationRequest>
            (new BoostingConfigurationRequest { boostingFactor = 1.0});

It seems due to TypeExtensions.SchemaDefinitionName not using Swashbuckle's SchemaIdSelector.
For ValueResourceInput<BoostingConfigurationRequest>, SchemaDefinitionName returns BoostingConfigurationRequestValueResourceInput, while Swashbuckle names it ValueResourceInput[BoostingConfigurationRequest]

If I create a custom SchemaIdSelector to have Swashbuckle generate the id the same way as TypeExtensions.SchemaDefinitionName, it works.

// from RequestExample.SetRequestExampleForOperation
if (swaggerOptions.SerializeAsV2)
    // Swagger v2 doesn't have a request example on the path
    // Fallback to setting it on the object in the "definitions"
    string schemaDefinitionName = requestType.SchemaDefinitionName();
    if (schemaRepository.Schemas.ContainsKey(schemaDefinitionName))
        //HERE: the actual schema name in the repository don't match the one from SchemaDefinitionName(), so the example is not added
        var schemaDefinition = schemaRepository.Schemas[schemaDefinitionName]; 
        if (schemaDefinition.Example == null)
            schemaDefinition.Example = firstOpenApiExample;

Bonjour Jean-Baptiste,

My first question is - do you need to use my filter to add examples? Or can you use XML comments instead?

This is the sort of edge case I have trouble supporting. You're using v2 which is not common, and generics examples which is also uncommon. I have a test case in my test project which works fine - I just tested it with v2:

But it sounds like you have a workaround, with "a custom SchemaIdSelector". How do you do that?