
AllowAnonymousAttribute Should Set Security To Optional If AuthorizationAttribute also present

Opened this issue · 1 comments

First Issue to this repo, so I hope I have included the needed information for my proposal. I am unsure of corporate policy for contributing to libraries like this, or I would send a PR.


The OpenAPI V3 spec supports optional authentication. Meaning that authentication can happen, but is not required. Unfortunately, there is no "out of the box" implementation, of this feature.

Related Issue

A custom class cannot be created and fed to SecurityRequirementsOperationFilter<T> if the endpoint has an "AllowAnonymousAttribute", since that stops all further processing.

Ideal Proposal

If a class has both and "AllowAnonymousAttribute":

  • Add the security scheme as currently done.
  • Add an empty security scheme.
  • If includeUnauthorizedAndForbiddenResponses is true, only add the "Forbidden" response.

Alternate Proposal

Use a constructor parameter to determine if the "AllowAnonymousAttribute" check runs. Same as how includeUnauthorizedAndForbiddenResponses works now.

Sorry for the slow reply. I wouldn't want to change the existing behaviour, so your alternate proposal to supply a constructor parameter sounds like the correct approach. It should be a small change.