docker run --name mongo -v ~/data/mongo:/data/db -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
docker run --name eventstore -it -p 2113:2113 -p 1113:1113 -d eventstore/eventstore
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
- EventStore @ http://localhost:2113/ admin changeit
- RabbitMQ @ http://localhost:15672/ guest guest
POST localhost:5000/users
"FirstName" : "Matt",
"LastName": "Ginty",
"Email": "matt@xyz.com",
"Password": "pass"
POST localhost:5000/users/user-1234235235 (<-- an id that u find in eventstore)
"Email": "matt@abc.com"
- EventStore should show 2 Events for the User
- MongoDB should have a User collection with a single record (email of matt@abc.com, version of 2)