
A little Sinatra app that writes data to a Kinesis stream.

Primary LanguageRuby


I was just looking for a simple way to get some data into Kinesis to play around with. Here's a little Sinatra app that does exactly that!


You'll need a Kinesis stream and an IAM user with sufficient credentials to play with.

The following variables need to be set:


You can set these either directly as environment variables, or by creating a .env file for dotenv.

Running the App

You can start it locally via rackup, or deploy it as-is on Heroku (configuration notwithstanding).

To push some data into it, from another Ruby process, you can run:

require 'rest_client'
RestClient.post 'http://localhost:9292/put', { data: 'hello, dolly' }

(Substituting "localhost:9292" as needed)

As a bonus, you can tail your Kinesis stream locally by running bundle exec ./tail.rb