
Another polyfill choice

Closed this issue · 12 comments

Just a suggestion: you might consider listing/including Native Promise Only as a polyfill choice. It's 1.3k and fully Promises/A+ compliant.

Done 😄

Hmm oops that's not actually testing it properly

OK - I think now it'll actually test properly

Awesome, thanks! :)

Thank you for letting me know about your project! Do you know of any others I could list?

There's a huge list of "promise implementations" here:

But, very few of these qualify IMO as "polyfills", because most of them have different namespaces and most of them also extend beyond the spec (which again IMO disqualifies as a polyfill in the strict sense). Note that all of these listed are "Promises/A+" compliant, but that's not at all the same thing as being ES6 spec compliant. ;-)

One clearly valid option to list is the reference implementation:

I've raised an issue for adding @domenic's here: #3. Thank you @getify ! :)

Another polyfill for Promise is in: The problem is it isn't standalone, so you have to pull in the whole thing to test. But... it's a good project so it's probably worth listing as a polyfill choice. +@ljharb

Please do list it; it's 100% spec-compliant, which some people may be interested in. It's also useful to specify whether a Promise implementation modifies the global environment automatically or not.

@ljharb - es6-shim has been added but as per your 2nd piece of feedback I'm not sure this module is the right place to document whether each polyfill auto-adds to global scope.

Maybe we could ask someone from if they'd be up for a new list to be made (a subset of that lists whether they auto add to global scope and whether each lib is ES6 compliant or not?

Or maybe just a new column with a tick or not would be sufficient