
CRUD on setList

Opened this issue · 1 comments

CRUD on setList

User Story

As a user, I should see the songs selected for the set list with buttons allowing me to add and delte them from the list.


When I navigate to the site
Then I should see a set list disp[layed on the page

Dev Notes

  • in SetListsRow.js

if not already created create SetListsRow.js
in src/components/SetListRow/SetListsRow.js

  • import React from 'react';
    with `Import React from 'react;

then in class SetlistRow extend React.Component with a render and a return
in the render create a constant setlist with this.props assigned to it
in the return have a table with with a button for the delete.

export default SetListRow.

  • in Setlists.js

import SetlistsRow from '../SetlistsRow/SetlistRow';

in a render create a constand called songComponents assinging

in the return in the parent Setlists div make tags with songs, key, etc

  • in SetlistShape.js

import Proptypes from proptypes

create the constant SetListShape and assign id, name, and description, with Proptypes.string.isRequired,