
Your routing bro!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build status NPM version Known Vulnerabilities

The v is for Svelte

Built on top of abstract-nested-router, so you can use nested routers, also:

  • Advanced parameters can be used, e.g. /:id<\d+> β€” see docs
  • ARIA-compliant, sets [aria-current="page"] on active links
  • Seamless <base href="..." /> integration
  • Conditionals and redirection through props
  • Fallback <Route /> handlers
  • Hash and URI-based routes
  • Support for query-string
  • REPL ready!

yrv will use any base-href found on the current page to rewrite links and routes.


Install yrv through NPM or Yarn:

  import { Router, Route, Link } from 'yrv';

<Link href="/">Home</Link>
| <Link href="/World">Hello</Link>
| <Link href="/not/found">NotFound</Link>

    <Route exact>Hello World</Route>
    <Route fallback>Not found</Route>
    <Route exact path="/:name" let:router>Hey {router.params.name}!</Route>

Notice fallback routes can’t be placed at the beginning, otherwise further routes will not be mounted. πŸ’£


You MUST declare at least, one top-level Router to setup the bindings.

<Router {path} {disabled} {condition} {nofallback} />

This component will hold any given routes as children, path is always derived from parent ones.

Available props:

  • {path} β€” Any segment to derive a fullpath from, default to /
  • {disabled} β€” Boolean; Similar to condition, but for bound props
  • {condition} β€” Function; if given, render only if evaluates to true
  • {nofallback} β€” If set, non-matched routes will never raise a failure

<Route {key} {path} {props} {exact} {fallback} {component} {disabled} {condition} {redirect} let:router />

Main container for routing, they can hold any component or children.

Available props:

  • {key} β€” The route identity, not its path; default to random pseudo-hash
  • {path} β€” Any segment to derive a fullpath from, default to /
  • {props} β€” Additional properties for rendered component
  • {exact} β€” If set, the route will render only if the route exactly matches
  • {fallback} β€” If set, the route will render only if no more routes were matched
  • {component} β€” A valid svelte-component to render if the route matches
  • {disabled} β€” Boolean; Similar to condition, but for bound props
  • {condition} β€” Function; if given, the route will render only if evaluates to true
  • {redirect} β€” Alternate redirection location, only if the previous condition was true
  • let:router β€” Injects the router context, it also provides failure in case of errors

If you omit exact, then /x would match both / and /x routes β€” see docs

<Link {go} {href} {title} {exact} {reload} {replace} {class|className} />

In order to navigate, you can use Link components, or regular links, etc.

All href values MUST be absolute, only links starting with / or # are allowed.

Available props:

  • {go} β€” History shortcut (see below)
  • {href} β€” New location, default to /
  • {title} β€” HTML title-attribute value
  • {button} β€” If set, will use button-tag instead
  • {exact} β€” Determine if link should match exactly to be set as active
  • {reload} β€” Use location.href instead
  • {replace} β€” Use history.replaceState() instead
  • {class|className} β€” Custom class-name for the mounted anchor

Normal on:click events are still allowed, so you can use:

<Link on:click={() => location.reload()}>Reload</Link>

Active links will gain the [aria-current] attribute, and [disabled] if they're buttons.

Aditionally, you can setup go to moving around:

  • "back" β€” String; if given, will invoke history.back()
  • "fwd" β€” String; if given, will invoke history.fwd()
  • n β€” Number; if given, it'll be used to invoke history.go(n)

If navigating through history is not possible a normal redirection will run. βš“

Public API

  • navigateTo(path[, options]) β€” Change the location, supported options are:
    • reload β€” If true, it will use document.location.href instead
    • replace β€” If true, it will use history.replaceState() instead
    • params β€” Used to replace :placeholders from given path
    • queryParams β€” Additional search-params for the new location
  • $router β€” Store with shared routeInfo details, similar to let:router

yrv gracefully degrades to location.hash on environments where history is not suitable, also it can be forced through Router.hashchange = true.