
Forward onto other ecowitt handler

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I want to be able to run weewx-interceptor to answer port 8000, but then also forward onto another URI (in my case, homeassistant:4199/weatherdata/report).

Using the hints at the bottom of the README, I came up with this:

sudo ngrep -l -q -W byline -d eth0 dst and port 8000 | grep --line-buffered PASSKEY | xargs -n 1 curl http://homeassistant:4199/weatherdata/report/ -s -d

It works, but not a huge fan of packet captures running permanently. It should be an easy task for weewx-interceptor to forward all received raw data onto another receiver, with appropriately short connection timeouts etc (don't both with store-and-forward). But I ain't no good with python. Or I might be missing something really basic.

This would likewise be very useful to me - I want to split my weather station traffic to both my home automation system and to WeeWx, and all other options are turning into a big ball of kludges.