
Incorrect Low battery indicator using Device_type = ecowitt-client

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gus70 commented

When using Device_type = ecowitt-client I'm noticing an incorrect LOW battery indicator in WeeWX dashboard under Sensor Status:

Debug for Device_type = ecowitt-client:

DEBUG user.interceptor: raw data: PASSKEY=XXXXXXXXX&stationtype=GW1000B_V1.6.1&dateutc=2020-07-29+14:37:43&tempinf=76.5&humidityin=55&baromrelin=30.153&baromabsin=30.121&tempf=83.8&humidity=84&winddir=217&windspeedmph=1.79&windgustmph=2.24&maxdailygust=3.36&solarradiation=485.79&uv=4&rainratein=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&hourlyrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.012&weeklyrainin=1.075&monthlyrainin=11.075&yearlyrainin=33.709&totalrainin=33.709&temp1f=75.74&humidity1=54&pm25_ch1=14.9&pm25_avg_24h_ch1=29.6&wh65batt=0&batt1=0&pm25batt1=4&freq=915M&model=GW1000

Dashboard shows: Battery Status Transmitter Battery LOW

You can see from my Debug that wh65batt=0 and this should have been interpreted as low batt = 0 meaning it isn't low. For the WH65 the battery status is 0 is good and 1 is low battery indicator.

With the same station switching over to device_type = wu-client then the battery indicator is interpreted correctly.

Debug for device_type = wu-client:

DEBUG user.interceptor: raw data: ID=GALFERT&PASSWORD=ABCDEF&tempf=80.6&humidity=89&dewptf=77.2&windchillf=80.6&winddir=255&windspeedmph=0.67&windgustmph=1.12&rainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.012&weeklyrainin=1.075&monthlyrainin=11.075&yearlyrainin=33.709&solarradiation=269.38&UV=2&indoortempf=76.5&indoorhumidity=55&baromin=30.153&AqPM2.5=12.9&lowbatt=0&dateutc=now&softwaretype=GW1000B_V1.6.1&action=updateraw&realtime=1&rtfreq=5

Dashboard shows: Battery Status Transmitter Battery OK

As you can see from the Debug using device_type = wu-client the value is lowbatt=0 and it is properly being interpreted.

Please fix wu-client to properly show battery status.

gus70 commented

Now I'm not sure if this is a issue or not.
UPDATE: This is not an issue of wrong battery level indication. The Interceptor in ecowit-client mode does not have battery level indicators. It seems that when flipping back and forth between protocol modes the WU-client mode battery level indicator sticks around for a while and then disappears. If you run only the ecowitt-client mode then you would not notice this issue.

I was initially seeing the problem of the wrong battery status reported when using device_type = ecowitt-client, but that was just in response to switching back and forth between ecowitt-client and wu-client. Now that I've been running ecowitt-client type for some days the battery status has disappeared from the WeeWX dashboard. Unfortunately the ecowitt-client mode does not process the battery status from the weather data packets.

It would be nice if ecowitt-client mode had battery status to this device_type as the data is there.