
Drop support for unsupported Python and Django versions

Closed this issue · 4 comments

jaap3 commented

As mentioned in issue #535 there was already the intention to drop Python 2 support. I've prepared a branch that removes compatibility shims and updates the code to a more modern style.

You can see the result here:

Note that I merged the branches for PR #538, #539 and #534 in there as well.

I can rebase that branch as soon as those other PRs are merged. I tried to make the commits on that branch as standalone as possible. So if there are things you'd rather not have changed I can easily remove those commits.

I looked at your PR in your repo and the only thing that bothered me was the changes around If this metadata was moved to and everything is working correctly we do not need it anymore, It's idea was to get the metadata in the without the execution of the __init__.pywhich is also trying to import some other stuff. I like the idea of modernizing the and the inclusion of pyproject.toml but I'm not sure about the loading of the metadata this way.

jaap3 commented

I believe I kept the file as it's used in the docs (which I didn't really touch).

I won't have time to work on this for a couple of weeks, so I'll have to put this on hold. When I get some time I'll probably undo some of the packaging changes and hold them back for a separate pull request. This branch got somewhat out of control with all the changes :-)

I totally understand you. Sorry if somehow you feel pressure or you spend too much time on this project. The reality is that I haven't had enough time in the last 3 years and because finally there was someone willing to spend some time to contribute code and I can't miss that chance :).

I appreciate your work and I'm thankful for it. When you have more time it will be more than welcome.

jaap3 commented

I've created PR #544 to drop compatibility shims and use modern Python language features.

I've omitted the packaging changes as I felt those are out of scope for this ticket and wasn't 100% sure about those anyway.