
As a Polymath Developer, I can review the Polymath Branding Guide to make sure all External facing designs are consistent across all Polymath products

Opened this issue · 3 comments

As a Polymath Developer, I can review the Polymath Branding Guide to make sure all External facing designs are consistent across all Polymath products

➤ Matthew Woo commented:

This is just a suggested theme (i.e. like Material Design) but developers can still choose to have their own themes if they choose to when they build on top of Polymath right?

➤ Thomas Borrel commented:

Third party developers should not use our brand without our explicit approval. This requirement was meant to capture our alignment internally to a set of branding guidelines. Updated the requirement to reflect that.

➤ thom commented:

Pushed to 2 days after sprint. Waiting on Stanislav Timofeev to have completed the UI Component Library.