
Add way to mass send push notifications

matthijs2704 opened this issue · 4 comments

Add a way to send push notifications to an array of device tokens.

Hi! As I need this feature for my own server, I've been thinking about a way to do it and I came up with this idea :

Making ApplePushMessage device-independent (i.g. removing the deviceToken property) would enable the renaming of this method to send the notification to one device :

VaporAPNS.send(applePushMessage:deviceToken:) -> Result

This renamed method would make the implementation of the batch-send feature pretty easy :


deviceTokens is an array of device tokens.
perDeviceCompletionHandler is a closure ((ApplePushMessage,String,Result)->Void) that is called once for every device with the send result for that device.

The method calls send(applePushMessage:deviceToken:) for every token in the array and then calls the closure with the message, token and result.

This design has been inspired by CloudKit's operations completion handlers (ex: CKFetchRecordsOperation)

Of course this would be a source-breaking change 😬

I have a draft implementation in my fork's batch-send branch.

Tell me what you think about it!

@alexaubry Thanks! I was already working on something similar indeed :P

This was added in VaporAPNS 1.1.0

Cool! Can't wait to try it 😃

It is still all sync, so If you want to do it async, just use libdispatch or something similar :)