
FEATURE REQUEST - Kodi Media Path - unRAID

hernandito opened this issue · 0 comments

Thank you for keeping this alive!

EDIT: Never mind: adding the below to the unRAID template did the trick!!!


PLEASE IGNORE - See my edit above

_I use this Docker in my unRAID server to scan for library updates. In the readme you outline a method for faster scans when the the docker and media storage are on the machine.

can you please modify both the Dockerfile and the unRAID template so that my /mnt/user/Media (can be user-modified) folder could be mapped into a folder inside the dockers /config/media folder.

Basically build in this function into the template
eg. --mount type=bind,source=/sharedfolders/pool,target=/media _

i don’t think adding a new path in the template screen works.

Thank you again!
