
Play nicely with CoffeeScript source maps

Closed this issue ยท 11 comments

CoffeeScript now supports source maps - and correct line number mapping with errors.

However, when longjohn is require'd, it messes with the line mapping (I imagine it's something to do with the override of Error.prepareStackTrace).

๐Ÿ‘ I ran into the same issues. This is still relevant!



Any updates on this @mattinsler ?

Sorry guys. I'd be happy to give creds to someone who wants to implement this? Or you can pull request me. I'm just way way behind on my work. =-(

al6x commented

+1 Same issue.


I spent a long time struggling with this before I realized longjohn was the culprit, not my source map config. If this won't be implemented any time soon, it might be worth adding a note of warning to the readme (and maybe the invitation for others to submit a pull request too).

mhart commented

Gonna close this as there hasn't been any action on it in a while

Is lack of action really a sufficient reason to close the issue? For anyone who starts using longjohn, only to have trouble with coffeescript source maps, being able to search open issues and see that one exists is a useful form of documentation. Closing the issue artificially hides it. Or, as I already suggested in an earlier comment, it might be worth noting this issue in the README.

Honestly, I might just open another issue for this and reference this one for the sake of documentation. I wish it hadn't been closed without feedback.

mhart commented

Cool man, go for it โ€“ it's been a year and a half without any feedback from @mattinsler, so I'm not really gonna push the issue

Hey guys, check #51. @drauggres seems to have solved this issue and I integrated it into the codebase.

Published to npm as version 0.2.9.