EE105 Labs


  1. Introduction
  2. Required Software
  3. Compilation
  4. Solutions
  5. Authors

1. Introduction

This readme describes how to compile the EE105 labs. They are written in LaTeX and require certain packages and utilities that will be described below. Editing these labs requires knowledge of LaTeX. Editing diagrams requires knowledge of the circuit_macros package, and editing graphs requires knowledge of the Asymptote software.

2. Required Software


Windows (Cygwin)

Mac OS, Linux

Although there are many LaTeX packages, we've tested the ones listed above and have confirmed their functionality with these labs. It is essential that the LaTeX package you have includes latex, dvips, and gs (Ghostscript). Ghostscript is also available separately.

We make use of various additional LaTeX packages such as SIUnits which may not be included in your default LaTeX installation. These may be installed individually as needed or by finding the appropriate package. Installing the texlive-full Ubuntu package will pull everything you need, but it is a very large download. You will need to install the provided ee105.sty file into your texmf directory as well.

For Mac OS, Asymptote can be installed from MacPorts, Homebrew, or from source. To install from source, download the source and run the following commands in the source directory:

$ ./configure
$ sudo make all
$ sudo make install

The circuit_macros package requires certain Groff utilities. Most installations of Mac OS and Linux should have these packages already installed or available via a repository.

The Makefiles by default assume that you install Circuit Macros at $(HOME)/circuit_macros.

3. Compilation

To compile the labs, simply run 'make' from the base directory. You can clean all files created by make by typing 'make clean'. To test whether you have all the necessary software to compile the labs, type 'make test'. Any missing software will be reported.

4. Solutions

Solutions are currently held privately in order to avoid widespread distribution among students. Please contact the authors if you are interested in obtaining a copy of the solutions to the labs.

5. Authors

These labs were written by the following students at UC Berkeley during the summer of 2007, listed alphabetically by name:

  • Jonathan Ellithorpe
  • Matt Johnson
  • Wilson Ko
  • Chen Sun
  • Eudean Sun (
  • Kevin Wang

Support from Prof. Tsu-Jae King Liu, Ferenc Kovac, Tho Nguyen, and the rest of the ESG staff was essential to the authoring of these labs. The original EE105 labs, authored by W.T. Yeung and R.T. Howe, were extremely useful references for authoring these labs.