
self-signed cert brings "stream was reset: PROTOCOL_ERROR"

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I try to connect from Android to some servers with self-signed certificates. Unfortunately my users sometimes create and use their own (self-signed) certs so I don't have the cert in advance. I need to check them myself in a method similar to ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback.

This works well with a standard HttpClient without OkHttp but it's not as fast as it could be.

Then I tried to use OkHttp with a SSLSocketFactory and a custom TrustManager like you described it on but I got:

System.Net.WebException, Message=Hostname not verified:
certificate: sha1/gKQj9VUg8shM8xPNBzx/QVlKRtk=
DN: CN=RoyalServer
subjectAltNames: [], InnerException=, StackTrace=

I guess it's because the hostname does not match the subject in the certificate. But this is ok in my case.

To get around that error I added a HostnameVerifier. Now the first request calls my TrustManager (which does not raise an Exception) and then it calls my HostnameVerifier (which returns true) but then I get the exception:

System.Net.WebException, Message=stream was reset: PROTOCOL_ERROR, InnerException=, StackTrace=

Do you know how I can get this working? Or at least how to get more info?

I saw some issues regarding this error in but nothing which helped in my case.

It seems to be related to the server. If I use Fiddler as a proxy, then it works. I can also connect to without problems.

But I can use my server with the standard HttpClient, a browser or Fiddler as proxy, so I don't think that the server behaves wrong.

I made a repro project and published it on

I also saw It's almost the same. They only use a SSLContext for "SSL" instead of "TLSv1.2", but that doesn't work for me either.

BTW, I'm using Square.OkHttp v2.7.5. I saw just now that there is also a Square.OkHttp3. I'll try that next.

It seems to work with OkHttp3 3.5.0.