
rrules are not recognized

reshadf opened this issue · 1 comments

Bug description / Feature request:

I have the following setup

var rule = rrulestr(response['recursOn']);{
         title: response['title'],
         rrule: rule

It prints out everything correctly in Console, however, the calendar is giving the following message:

"Event is missing the startsAt field"
{title: "Gym", rrule: RRule ...}

This results in the event showing up only once on just the current DateTime.

Is it somehow not recognizing RRule ?


Angular: 1.6.4

Calendar library: 0.29.3

Browser name and version: Safari 10.1.1 (12603.2.4)

You have to use the rrule lib for generating the events yourself in a format the calendar expects:!?example=recurring-events