A simple Python script showing how the backpropagation algorithm works.
- 1398118239杭州
- affandesUIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau
- borelenaBelarus
- burtp2xyz
- Cesarec88
- changingivan
- ck-unifr@wenyin
- clo2
- dcavarIndiana University
- douloswarn
- dreamexe
- dtmddus
- eurismarpires
- geversonstoStoDeveloper
- haishang-sz
- Hulk89Kakao
- itzhexen
- jgolfettoPorto, Portugal
- jhcloos
- JianliZh429
- junliu-cn
- lqleeqee
- mattmPreceden
- Microshak@BHGMoney
- NydhalArizona, US
- PandaPYHNanjing University of Science and Technology
- pranavg189Zomato
- retifUkraine
- Sandy4321
- suncj
- Terence-WongUniversity of Waterloo
- wengbenjueshanghai
- wguo123NA
- xicheng412China
- yochju
- zinark