
`antidote install` should be aware of my custom plugins txt file location

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By default antidote install plugin appends the plugin the plugin file located at ~/.zsh_plugins.txt.

However, I prefer to keep my plugin txt file elsewhere. I understand that antidote install allows you to pass the correct path as an additional argument, but this is a hassle when I just want to install and move on.

It would be nice if I could set an ENV variable like ANTIDOTE_PLUGIN_FILE or something to tell antidote to always install / load from that file location.

My apologies if this is already possible, I could not find a solution in the docs.

Per the docs:

The default bundle file is ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zsh_plugins.txt. This can be overridden with the following zstyle:
zstyle ':antidote:bundle' file /path/to/my/bundlefile

Add that style to your .zshrc prior to sourcing antidote. I'll be sure to include that same verbiage in the help for antidote install -h for the next release.

Idk how I didn't catch that. Thank you!

No worries! It wasn't in the "antidote install" part of the docs, so I'm glad to have the callout so I can add it for the 1.9.4 release.