
better kaniko default context

jstrachan opened this issue · 1 comments

right now the kaniko context is hard coded as the root dir

- --context=/workspace

if you had a repo with a few different microservices with their own Dockerfile....


and those dockerfiles did the usual COPY *.json somewhere type commands they won't find anything, as the context is /workspace not where the Dockerfile is at /workspace/hello-nodejs

Setting the --context to the folder containing the Dockerfile feels like a better OOTB default to me.

Maybe the default behaviour should be, if there is a provided --context argument for kaniko use that - otherwise default to the same dir as the Dockerfile (e.g. /workspace/$(params.path)) . Then folks can specify --context /workspace if they really want that behavior; or can specify --context /workspace/something if needed; otherwise default to the context folks would probably expect (the dir containing the Dockerfile)

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