
in Mac build error

hktalent opened this issue · 3 comments

Mac OS
$ GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w " -trimpath -o main_windows_amd64.exe main.go

server/webserver.go:335:25: undefined: sqlite3.Error
server/webserver.go:339:24: undefined: sqlite3.ErrConstraint

but, build for Mac,is ok
go build main.go

When cross-compiling, Go requires that you explicitly enable cgo via CGO_ENABLED=1. In addition, you must set CC to a valid C cross-compiler.

@rittneje how set cc ,thanks
I have referenced here and have no success

First you will need to install a C compiler that runs on macos but targets Windows. I've never done this, but mingw-w64 might work.

Then set the CC environment variable to the path to that C compiler when running go build.