
Go 1.6, gom and vendor packages

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Hi @mattn

I noticed that using go1.6, gom install places all vendor packages in a vendor folder (rather than _vendor), which I understand it's now the Go1.6 default location.

Within the vendor folder, gom places my all the vendor modules outside the src directory, which is not created anymore. When I try to build my go project, an error is thrown since go expects my vendor modules to live in vendor/src/ rather than vendor/

Is this an issue with gom, go1.6 or my current set up?


mattn commented


when I set GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT the src folder is created within _vendor. All vendor packages are correctly placed and gom compiles just fine.

mattn commented

Here is a part to check versions of go.

Is this your expected?


Lines 69 to 77 in 183c76e

if goVer.LessThan(go15) {
return false
} else if (goVer.Equal(go15) || goVer.GreaterThan(go15)) && goVer.LessThan(go16) {
return os.Getenv("GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT") == "1"
} else if (goVer.Equal(go16) || goVer.GreaterThan(go16)) && goVer.LessThan(go17) {
return os.Getenv("GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT") != "0"
} else {
return true

Sorry I don't still understand what is your issue.


Thin issue about go1.6 and go1.7 with gom are expecting to find dependencies source in $PROJECT/vendor/src/ but they are actually in $PROJECT/vendor/

mattn commented

@laysakura could you handle this issue?

Same problem here, my workaround:

cd vendor
ln -s ../vendor src
cd ..
gom build

The problem is basically this:

Building mcatalog...
src/mcatalog/main.go:6:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6.2/libexec/src/ (from $GOROOT)
        /Users/foobar/pg/mcatalog/vendor/src/ (from $GOPATH)

It only happens with Golang >= 1.6

I think this is related to the fact that GOVENDOREXPERIMENT thingy only works if your project is in GOPATH/src - if the project is outside GOPATH or GOPATH has been manually set to root of the project tree - there are several things that can go wrong.

To workaround this problem, I ended up changing my project layout to be exactly same as a valid GOPATH. So in this case:

~> export GOPATH=`pwd`
~> tree .
|-- src/
      |-- mcatalog/
      |-- mcatalog/Gomfile (moved the Gomfile here from root of the project)

And ran the command gom install via cd src/mcatalog && gom install. This installs the dependencies in src/mcatalog/vendor directory and now it works.

mattn commented

What version of go do you use ?

Go 1.6.3

mattn commented

Go 1.6 doesn't require GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT for vendoring. Do you set GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT ?

No no, it doesn't. What I mean is - GO15VENDOREXPERIMENT is automatically enabled in Go 1.6, but loading of dependencies from vendor only works if project is in $GOPATH/src/ and vendorized dependencies are in $GOPATH/src/<project_name>/vendor.

Previously - What I was doing is , my project layout used to be:

# I am in root of project and GOPATH being set to current directory
~> export GOPATH=`pwd`
~> tree .
|---- Gomfile
|---- _vendor/
|----  src/
        |---- mcatalog/ (This is where my actual go files are)
|---- docs

But above directory layout no longer works because with go-1.6 vendored dependencies should be located in $GOPATH/src/project_name/vendor So the new layout that works is:

# I am in root of project and GOPATH being set to current directory
~> export GOPATH=`pwd`
~> tree .
|----  src/
        |---- mcatalog/ (This is where my actual go files are)
        |---- mcatalog/Gomfile
        |---- mcatalog/vendor/
|---- docs

And I am running gom install by cd src/mcatalog && gom install.

So all in all, I don't think this is particularly a bug in Gom, it is just that things have changed with go1.6.

mattn commented

Maybe most of users who have an issue about this, I guess they have same confusing. Thanks for your explaining!

I've hit the same issue.
I found curious behaviour like as follows:

During gom install, vendor directory contains src.

% ls vendor

But finishing gom install, src directory has gone:

% ls vendor pkg

Is this behaviour is intentional?

mattn commented

plesae let me known your go version and whether you set $GOVENDOREXPERIMENT ?

Hi @mattn

With Go 1.7 your tool work normal?

I have been using gom with Go-1.7 without problems. The only thing to remember is directory structure I explained above.

mattn commented

@egorsmkv try this repository

$ go get -d
$ cd /path/to/your/gopath/src/
$ gom install
$ ls -1 vendor

@mattn I get this error:

src/utils/test.go:3:8: cannot find package "" in any of:
    /home/egor/Tools/GoRoot/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /home/egor/bolvanka/code/vendor/src/ (from $GOPATH) 

Why is he trying to use the src folder?

mattn commented

go-gom-example doesn't use

Okay. I get this error with go-go-example:

~/b/t/go-gom-example *master โ€” gom build
suddendeath.go:6:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
    /home/egor/Tools/GoRoot/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /home/egor/bolvanka/t/go-gom-example/vendor/src/ (from $GOPATH)
gom:  exit status 1
mattn commented

You need to do gom install at the first.


~/b/t/go-gom-example *master โ€” gom install
~/b/t/go-gom-example *master โ€” ls vendor/  pkg/
~/b/t/go-gom-example *master โ€” gom build
suddendeath.go:6:2: cannot find package "" in any of:
    /home/egor/Tools/GoRoot/src/ (from $GOROOT)
    /home/egor/bolvanka/t/go-gom-example/vendor/src/ (from $GOPATH)
gom:  exit status 1
mattn commented

Because you doesn't do as my said.

you MUST get go-gom-example on GOPATH.