
results error

lixiang117423 opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear Mr. Masatoshi Katabuchi,
I am using your package to analyze the area of six rice leaves in a figure.
The result generated by your package is 97.389, but the results from ImageJ by manual analysis is 1076.088.
So I do not keno which one is right.
This is the code I used in the analysis.

res <- run.ij(path.imagej = 'E:/ImageJ/ImageJ',
     = 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/test/')

Any reply is appreciated.
Thank you!

Please check distance.pixel and known.distance in the run.ij function. The default values are distance.pixel = 826 and known.distance = 21. So, in default, run.ij recognizes 826 pixels = 21 cm in your images.