
OpenVPN Community package for Chocolatey

OpenVPN Community

This repository contains the sources of the package OpenVPN Community for Chocolatey, the package manager for Windows.


Launch a PowerShell prompt as Administrator.

Build the .nupkg package from the .nuspec file with


Test and install the .nupkg package with the following line.

  • -source is used to specify where to find the sources. As our package uses gpg as a dependency to check the signatures, we need to specify from where to get it (here, from the Chocolatey website)
  • The install must be forced (-f) if the same version is already installed (will remove and reinstall the package from the updated .nupkg)
  • Test is performed in debug mode (-d)
  • Being verbose (-v)
  • Avoid asking for confirmation when installing the package (--yes)

More information is available in the Chocolatey documentation.

choco install openvpn -fdv -source "'.;https://chocolatey.org/api/v2/'" --yes

Do not forget to test the uninstallation as well:

choco uninstall openvpn -dv --yes

Deploy to Chocolatey

Get your API key on your Chocolatey account page. The command you will need to type is like this one:

choco apiKey -k 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef -source https://chocolatey.org/

Push your package to moderation review:

choco push .\openvpn.2.3.13.nupkg -s https://chocolatey.org/

About 30 minutes later, you should receive an email revealing if the automatic tests have passed. If all tests have succeeded, the package will be ready for review and will be approved manually within 48 hours by a Chocolatey admin. For urgent releases like CVE fixes, ping Rob Reynolds, Chocolatey founder, on Gitter.


If you have comments to make or push requests to submit, feel free to contribute to this repository.


As Apache 2 software can be included in GPLv3 projects, but GPLv3 software cannot be included in Apache projects and in order to comply with NuGet and Chocolatey licenses, this software is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.