
api call seems to return nothing

Closed this issue ยท 17 comments

Hi, I copied the code below from the example page, it used to work but have stopped working recently, returning an empty list.

from pmaw import PushshiftAPI

api = PushshiftAPI()
comments = api.search_comments(subreddit="science", limit=1000)
comment_list = [comment for comment in comments]



search_submissions also returns nothing....

Thank you so much.

I am seeing the same thing. Nothing returned.

Same here, nothing is being returned.
However, the Pushshift API itself is working

Same here, returning nothing despite the parameters being used

Same here;
Pushshift API is working, just pmaw wrapper does not. An example with results from pushshift without any wrapper (and empty results from pmaw):

import pandas as pd
from pmaw import PushshiftAPI
import datetime as dt
import requests
import time

start_date =, 12, 1)
end_date =, 12, 15)

start_date = dt.datetime.fromordinal(start_date.toordinal())
end_date = dt.datetime.fromordinal(end_date.toordinal())

api = PushshiftAPI()

start_epoch = int(start_date.timestamp())
end_epoch = int(end_date.timestamp())

submissions = api.search_submissions(subreddit='politics', q='biden', after=start_epoch,
                                     before=end_epoch, num_workers=20)

sub_df = pd.DataFrame(submissions)
print(f'pmaw df size: {sub_df.shape}')

# Pushsift api directily
api_query = '' + 'biden' \
            + '&after=' + str(start_epoch) \
            + '&before=' + str(end_epoch) \
            + '&subreddit=' + 'politics' \
            + '&limit=' + str(100)

r = requests.get(api_query)
json = r.json()
df_pushshift = pd.DataFrame(json['data'])

print(f'Pushshift direct df size: {df_pushshift.shape}')


pmaw df size: (0, 0)
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
Pushshift direct df size: (100, 89)
  subreddit selftext  ... updated_utc     utc_datetime_str
0  politics           ...  1671053635  2022-12-14 21:33:38
1  politics           ...  1671053019  2022-12-14 21:23:28
2  politics           ...  1671048929  2022-12-14 20:15:13
3  politics           ...  1671048448  2022-12-14 20:07:17
4  politics           ...  1671038417  2022-12-14 17:20:01

[5 rows x 89 columns]

Just a quick temp fix:

I've added some changes to the code (see it here), using it two new parameters exist for calling Pushshift: sort_var='order' and check_totals=False.

Now it works with recent data only (older data cannot be queried even using Pushshift directly either yet).

Code example (with sort_var='order' and check_totals=False on calling it):

import pandas as pd
from pmaw import PushshiftAPI
import datetime as dt
import requests
import time

start_date =, 12, 1)
end_date =, 12, 15)

start_date = dt.datetime.fromordinal(start_date.toordinal())
end_date = dt.datetime.fromordinal(end_date.toordinal())

api = PushshiftAPI()

start_epoch = int(start_date.timestamp())
end_epoch = int(end_date.timestamp())

submissions = api.search_submissions(subreddit='politics', q='biden', after=start_epoch,
                                     before=end_epoch, limit=100, sort_var='order', check_totals=False, praw=True,

sub_df = pd.DataFrame(submissions)
print(f'pmaw df size: {sub_df.shape}')

# Pushsift api directily
api_query = '' + 'biden' \
            + '&after=' + str(start_epoch) \
            + '&before=' + str(end_epoch) \
            + '&subreddit=' + 'politics' \
            + '&limit=' + str(100)

r = requests.get(api_query)
json = r.json()
df_pushshift = pd.DataFrame(json['data'])

print(f'Pushshift direct df size: {df_pushshift.shape}')


pmaw df size: (100, 89)
  subreddit selftext  ... updated_utc     utc_datetime_str
0  politics           ...  1671053635  2022-12-14 21:33:38
1  politics           ...  1671053019  2022-12-14 21:23:28
2  politics           ...  1671048929  2022-12-14 20:15:13
3  politics           ...  1671048448  2022-12-14 20:07:17
4  politics           ...  1671038417  2022-12-14 17:20:01

[5 rows x 89 columns]
Pushshift direct df size: (100, 89)
  subreddit selftext  ... updated_utc     utc_datetime_str
0  politics           ...  1671053635  2022-12-14 21:33:38
1  politics           ...  1671053019  2022-12-14 21:23:28
2  politics           ...  1671048929  2022-12-14 20:15:13
3  politics           ...  1671048448  2022-12-14 20:07:17
4  politics           ...  1671038417  2022-12-14 17:20:01

[5 rows x 89 columns]

Process finished with exit code 0

Thanks for showing those changes. For some reason, implementing those makes PMAW very slow for responses. What used to be done in ~ 30 seconds, after these changes is taking 5+ minutes.

Start 2022-12-18 15:33:13

resPosts = api.search_submissions(since=start_epoch, subreddit=<sub>, author=user, limit=10, check_totals=False)
resComments = api.search_comments(since=start_epoch, subreddit=<sub>, author=user, limit=25, check_totals=False)

End 2022-12-18 15:38:45


> # Pushsift api directily
> api_query = '' + 'biden' \
>             + '&after=' + str(start_epoch) \
>             + '&before=' + str(end_epoch) \
>             + '&subreddit=' + 'politics' \
>             + '&limit=' + str(100)

Just a heads up, before and after are deprecated. Not sure how long that will work.

after | string (After) Search after this epoch time (inclusive) -- deprecated (use since)

before | string (Before) Search before this epoch time (exclusive) -- deprecated (use until)


> # Pushsift api directily
> api_query = '' + 'biden' \
>             + '&after=' + str(start_epoch) \
>             + '&before=' + str(end_epoch) \
>             + '&subreddit=' + 'politics' \
>             + '&limit=' + str(100)

Just a heads up, before and after are deprecated. Not sure how long that will work.

after | string (After) Search after this epoch time (inclusive) -- deprecated (use since)

before | string (Before) Search before this epoch time (exclusive) -- deprecated (use until)

Wow, no one is going to use the push shift API after those go away lol

Before/after have changed names to until/since. Some of the param nmes fr sorting have changed also.

I've addressed the before/after => since/until change, as well as the sort/sort_type, and some other changes in my PR for PMAW, because at the moment it's giving 0 results!

this will be fixed in v3.0.0 after #52 is merged + released

There's no working alternative version in the meantime?

I also encountered this issue.

Using "" directly is useful but it seems only work for very limited period of time (i.e., one month or so).

If I want to retrieve something earlier than a month, say, something in 12 months ago, calling this link (see below) in browser will only generate blank list:


Specific return:

There's no working alternative version in the meantime?

Not right now. I'm hesitant to release a version that I havent fully tested, however, if everything goes well I will be able to release today ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

I also encountered this issue.

Using "" directly is useful but it seems only work for very limited period of time (i.e., one month or so).

If I want to retrieve something earlier than a month, say, something in 12 months ago, calling this link (see below) in browser will only generate blank list:


Specific return: {"data":[],"error":null,"metadata":{"es":{"took":8,"timed_out":false,"_shards":{"total":4,"successful":4,"skipped":3,"failed":0},"hits":{"total":{"value":0,"relation":"eq"},"max_score":null}},"es_query":{"size":999,"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"created_utc":{"gte":1633010400000}}},{"range":{"created_utc":{"lt":1640236250000}}}]}},{"bool":{"should":[{"match":{"subreddit":"science"}}],"minimum_should_match":1}}]}},"aggs":{},"sort":{"created_utc":"desc"}},"es_query2":"{"size":999,"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"bool":{"must":[{"range":{"created_utc":{"gte":1633010400000}}},{"range":{"created_utc":{"lt":1640236250000}}}]}},{"bool":{"should":[{"match":{"subreddit":"science"}}],"minimum_should_match":1}}]}},"aggs":{},"sort":{"created_utc":"desc"}}"}}

theres been some parameter changes: until is the new before and since is the new after

looking at the COLO switchover bug thread, it looks like some other people have had the 1 month of data issue

Yes, they've not loaded in the old historical data yet. I think it's due soon, but I've not been following too closely last couple of days. I'd be happy to revisit my changes once more testing is possible.

closing this as the COLO switch over fixes have been merged + released in version 3.0.0!

I am still getting the same issue in version 3.0.0 with this code:

api = PushshiftAPI(praw=reddit)
posts = api.search_submissions(subreddit="science", limit=10000)
post_list = [p for p in posts]

The print call returns 0.

Edit: Scratch that, it's a completely different problem. The API is locked for unregistered users.