
change configuration file for prior (no lig) sampling

sll513 opened this issue · 1 comments

I found that the default generate.config file provided is for posterior sampling (with ligand)

What parameter(s) I need to change for prior (no lig) sampling as input file I need to provide has ligand information? "prior"? "post_factor"? anything else? Thanks,

a sample prior generate.config file is appreciated

To perform prior sampling, you should set the config option generate: prior: True.

The post_factor option also controls prior vs. posterior sampling, but it interpolates between them such that post_factor = 1.0 is fully-posterior sampling and post_factor = 0.0 is fully-prior sampling. This option is ignored when prior = True.

I have added a sample config file config/prior.config that can be passed to for prior sampling.