Node-RED flow for interepreting a metadata push channel.
The flow.json file contains export of a Node-RED flow used to parse Spinitron "metadata push channel" output to create a real-time reperesntation of the current contents of an aural program or stream. The flow will create a payload output during music and non-music output with an appropriate content.
The flow utilizes the stock HTTP IN node to create an HTTP endpoint server. In order to accept data from Spinitron, this endpoint does need to be exposed to the internet.
Please follow instructions on Securing Node-RED prior to exposing your endpoint to the Internet.
Once configured and secured, A Spinitron admin for your station will need to configure a metadata push channel as follows:
POST https://%un%:%pw%@<your URL>/<your ENDPOINT>?now=%now%&message_count=%ct%&message_valid_duration=%rdur%&spin_id=%si%&spin_time=%sp%&spin_duration_seconds=%sd%&spin_note=%se%&artist=%an%&title=%sn%&composer=%sc%&new=%ne%&request=%rq%&album_title=%dn%&format=%df%&year=%dr%&coverart_url=%ua%&genre=%dl%&local=%lo%&label=%ln%&station_title=%st%&host=%dj%&show_id=%wi%&playlist=%wn%&playlist_id=%pi%&playlist_category=%wc%&playlist_since_year=%ws%&playlist_description=%wd%&playlist_start=%wo%&playlist_end=%wf%&show_weekdays=%ww%&spin_url=%tsp%&host_url=%tdj%&show_url=%tsh%&station_url=%tst%
Don't forget to replace <your URL> and <your ENDPOINT> with the proper information. The default included in the flow is /spin. The Username and Password fields will need to be filled with the credentials established for your endpoint as outlined in the Securing Node-RED document. Default Duration and Max Duration will directly apply to the output. Default duration will be the default song length for any spins entered without this field filled by the host.
The flow combines an HTTP endpoint node with a change node and an HTTP Response node to complete the Hypertext transaction. The default "Spin OK!" text from the change node will be the data returned from Node-RED to the metadata channel. If the metadata channel successfully delivers the HTTP Post data to the endpoint, the metadata push logs will show a timestamp along with a "200" response code and an "OK" status.
Once a message is received from, the flow will process the data to create an output message.
- If the spin data is not expired, "Title" by "Artist" will be send as the payload and a timer is started to wait for the expiration time to pass. The message is then re-sent though the message stack on expiration. A new message will reset the resend timer.
- If the spin data is expired or an expired resend, the Program timing is checked to see if the program is within it's secheduled time. If so, "Program Name" with "Host Name" is sent as the payload output and a timer is set to resend the message at the expiriation of the Program. A new message cancels this timer.
- If the spin and program data are expired, a message is sent with "Station Name" as the payload.