
Battery Percentage [Feature Request]

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm not sure if you are taking feature requests, but I'd like to see an option to show the current battery percentage.

As a stop-gap, I changed it for myself but I'm not sure how to incorporate it into clay effectively

I was thinking of having:

  1. Icon only
  2. Percentage only
  3. Both icon and percentage

I haven't taken enough time to come up with a good solution for last one, but if you have any ideas go for it. I'd be happy with the first two if you don't want to deal with finagling positioning of the elements. If you want an example of what I did to add the percentage, or both percentage and icon I'd be happy to share.

@f8lxninja experimental test build available from my repo at

It's an experiment so may not end up as a final feature. It's currently hacked in place.


Percentage text area shows "Chg" when charging (see #37).