
notebook 版本与 jupyter notebook 版本不一致的问题

mattshma opened this issue · 0 comments

由于需要对 Jupyter notebook 进行功能删减,在修改完 notebook template 文件中,pip install . 安装之,重启 juypter notebook,发现修改没生效。于是查看原因:

# pip list |grep notebook
notebook            6.0.0.dev0
# jupyter notebook -V

可以看到,修改的版本(6.0.0.dev0)确实已经安装了,不过 Jupyter 用的 notebook 却不是该版本。

# pip uninstall notebook
Uninstalling notebook-6.0.0.dev0:
  Successfully uninstalled notebook-6.0.0.dev0
# pip list |grep notebook
notebook            5.7.6

uninstall 6.0.0.dev0 的 notebook 后,发现确实还存在 5.7.6 的 notebook。

重新查看当时安装 6.0.0.dev0 notebook 的问题,如下:

bower es6-promise#~1.0                 ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads", exit code of #128 fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.

  Additional error details:
  fatal: unable to access '': gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.
  rebuilding js and css failed. The following required files are missing: ['notebook/static/components', 'notebook/static/notebook/js/main.min.js', 'notebook/static/tree/js/main.min.js', 'notebook/static/edit/js/main.min.js', 'notebook/static/terminal/js/main.min.js', 'notebook/static/auth/js/main.min.js', 'notebook/static/style/ipython.min.css', 'notebook/static/style/style.min.css']
  Failed building wheel for notebook

这里先调整 notebook 版本为 5.7.6,然后修改 template 中文件,再重新 pip install .。接着再安装 Jupyter,成功了。