[BUG] - Trouble using theme as a hugo module
ctindel opened this issue · 2 comments
So I was having trouble with amplify not pulling the latest version of the theme after you merged all those PRs. I have no idea what the problem is, but it seems like the new hotness is to use themes as submodules like here:
But when I tell hugo to pull the theme it seems to pull some really old version?
root@773a6171b6b6:/mnt/sib# hugo mod get -u
hugo: downloading modules …
go: downloading github.com/mattstratton/castanet v0.5.1
go get: added github.com/mattstratton/castanet v0.5.1
I'm not really sure what's going on. Does it mean that your CICD needs to push it as a hugo theme every time you bump the version or something?
I need to dig into - the latest hugo breaks this theme all over the place too, so I am going to do some castanet work this weekend - and I'll look into this!
Sorry for the MASSIVE delay on this (i'm sure it doesn't help you now) but I finally figured out the issue - hugo mod requires the releases to be tagged as "vx.x.x" not "x.x.x" so it was pulling v0.5.1 since that was the most recent version that actually...had a v tag