
Develop discussion and plan forward

eriktaubeneck opened this issue · 2 comments

As mentioned in issue #28, I am opening this issue to discuss the goals of the Develop branch and establish a common plan of attack for adding features and new social connections.

  1. I am not certain what the exact goals/features of the Develop branch currently are, so @mattupstate if you could give a brief idea on that, it would be very helpful.
  2. Until we have tests more tests to cover the changes on Develop, I don't think it makes sense to add features or social connections to it. If we get an idea about (1) we can work on that.
  3. A few of the existing issues, like CSRF protection on social routes (which I'm currently monkey patching) or adding email to initial connection parameters seem to make more sense to put on master so that we can get these changes onto the PyPi distribution quickly. Alternatively, if we have clear goals with Develop, let's nail those down, I'll working wrapping it up, add these features on top of that, and get it all out of PyPi.
  4. Sort of a separate issue, but I have added an Instagram connection that I would like to add, but it either requires using the bleeding edge of Flask-OAuth (which has been out for a year but isn't on PyPi and seems to have stalled in development) or switch to Flask-Oauthlib (see this PR on Flask-OAuth and this blog post by Armin). Depending on the what we agree on above will dictate where this should go.

@mattupstate, @alexef, @hari-n you PRs all relate, so curious on your thoughts!

  1. The develop branch is where all the development activity happens. This includes maintenance and bug fixes. New features are added to develop via pull requests.
  2. Tests will be added to cover any new bugs and features. If you come across a bug and can duplicate the behavior with a test, please do so and we will make commits until the test(s) pass. New features will also require tests.
  3. The master branch is always a snapshot of what is available on pypi.
  4. I'm not opposed to moving over to a library that is more actively developed. A new branch off of develop can be created to start work on that integration.
  5. I'd also like to look into Python 3 support, as Flask-Security now supports it.

Thanks. When I wrote this, I didn't realize how small the diff between master and develop was. WRT 5., I haven't done much Python 3 work, but happy to start looking into it.