
can I use this standalone with out the cas plugin?

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Can I use this plugin without using the cas plugin along with it? In your usage section, it seems as if it will only work as a failover if cas fails to authenticate a user. Is this the case, or can I use this plugin to authenticate with LDAP without using cas?


k3a commented

Hi! It is meant to work standalone. It is just based on CAS plugin but does not require it as a dependency. Someone reported some issues with the recent version of YOURLS - getting "Stealing cookies" error. Is that your problem too? (I am not using the plugin anymore but can try to install and fix it if you are getting this error as well)

no, I'm not seeing that error as I've not gotten it to authenticate a user yet. I just wanted to make sure that that wasn't the issue before I troubleshoot further. If once I get it working and I get that error, I'll report back!

Thank you!!

I got it to work with some rewriting to work with our LDAP setup - but I am getting the stealing cookies error now. I'll see if I can investigate. Do you know why it's happening?

k3a commented

Not really. They have changed something. I looked at the relevant code which calls that Die with "Stealing cookies" and it seems that $yurls_user_passwds is not set or something like this.

I have tried setting it up here but it seems to be not enough. Would be cool if you could investigate. I am not using LDAP auth anymore so it would be a bit painful for me to set up just to fix this...

hi, I'm using your plugin and getting "Stealing cookies" error. How can I help you to investigate the problem?

Check the thread here:

you have to make some changes to functions-auth.php in order to use it with ldap or cas

k3a commented


Can you try to put
yourls_store_cookie( YOURLS_USER );
after the marked line 98 here and let me know if that fixes the problem?


@k3a I suppose it does not work for me. The result is just a blank page, and give another error message in error.log: "Function name must be a string in /www-directory/user/plugins/yourls-ldap-plugin/plugin.php on line 99"

@stpha6 thank you, I think it solved the problem

orosi commented

hi all
I have the same problems with the Stealing cookies?
but this workaroung do not work for me
do you have any other advises to fix this problem?
thanks a lot

k3a commented

This should be fixed with the latest commit.