This is a basic CI/CD pipeline template for projects using AWS, Terraform, and CircleCI. It supports a develop branch for non-prod and a master branch for production. Commits to develop or master will run terraform apply on the associated context. Commits to any other branch will run terraform plan against the develop context. The promotion through environments is any to develop to master.
- All of the resources in development and prod are identical
- After setting up the pipeline you never intend to run terraform destroy. Since this pipeline creates the backend resources destroy will fail unless you first move to a local backend.
- CircleCI setup and linked to GitHub.
- Two separate AWS accounts, one for production, and one for development.
- Note: This may work with both environments in one account, but you must ensure every resource that request a unique name has the
variable included in it.
- Note: This may work with both environments in one account, but you must ensure every resource that request a unique name has the
- One CircleCI context called production and a second called development with the following environment variables populated with the access keys for the separate AWS accounts:
- Create a new branch from master called develop.
- Create a new branch from develop and call it whatever you want (foo).
- Commit code to foo. CircleCI will run the dev_plan job.
- If the result of dev_plan is as expected, merge foo to develop.
- The dev_deploy job will run terraform apply in the dev context.
- The prod_plan job will run terraform plan in the prod context.
- If the result of prod_plan is as expected, merge develop to master.
- The prod_deploy job will run terraform apply in the prod context.
- Repeat steps 3 to 5 to code and promote changes through dev and prod.
- Set the pipeline tag in to the name of the project. This tag is used to name the backend resources in
- Modify dev.tfbackend and prod.tfbackend and set the bucket and dynamodb_table values to match the name
- Login to the dev AWS account with the AWS cli or set the access key environment variables.
- Initialize terraform and apply the backend resources with a local state then move the state to the the created bucket.
mv backend
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve -var="env=dev"
mv backend
terraform init -force-copy -backend-config=dev.tfbackend
- Login to the prod AWS account with the cli or set the access key environment variables.
- Repeat step 3 replacing "dev" with "prod"
The backends for dev and prod are now created with remote states.
Only the CircleCI config has been implemented so far.
- update with terraform 0.12 syntax