
Better documentation needed

staticdev opened this issue · 5 comments

I've made a pull request #2 to begin fixing it, but more improvements are needed.

PRs welcome! What do you feel is still missing or unclear?

Is it possible to customize the server, port and protocol? I've seen your example uses udp://localhost:12201, but is not telling how to change that behavior. Does nlog.config overwrites that?

Still, concerning the framework version used, did you test this package in which versions?

UDP is the only supported protocol at the moment, and uses port 12201 by default. The readme explains how to change the server and port, and you can see the full list of options here. The library has nothing to do with NLog, so any settings in nlog.config are not used.

So far I have tested with up to .NET Core 1.1. I would expect 2.0 to work also, but I've not had time to try it yet. The preferred way of configuring logging with .NET Core 2.0 is to use IServiceCollection.AddLogging() - this will require an update to this library before we can use that though.

Good, I've tried in .net core 2.0 and it worked! Later I can put some example code.

I'm closing this issue as it is a little broad. If you have specific suggestions on what is missing from the docs feel free to create another issue, or submit a PR.